Welcome to Sleep Best-i

Welcome to Sleep Best-i

About Sleep Best-i

Sleep Best-i is one of the HealthZone platform’s digital health programs. Sleep Best-i is a 5 module cognitive behavioual-based digital intervention program for insomnia, nightmares and PTSD. The major focus of Sleep Best-i is educating people about sleep, avoiding behaviours that worsen the quality of their sleep, and teaching them methods to help with sleeping better.  The five modules explore sleep hygiene, sleep scheduling, controlling distractions in your sleeping environment, nightmares and how they develop, methods to deal with flashbacks and PTSD symptoms, rescripting the nightmare, and strategies to deal with relapse prevention. You will also find role plays of recorded therapeutic sessions to make learning  easier and more applicable.  The program also allows you to connect a fitbit device so that you can discover even more about your sleep. When you sleep better, you will  respond more adaptively and flexibly to every day life –emotionally, cognitively (thinking) and behaviourally.  Please note that the recruitment for the current Sleep Best-i study has now closed.